Past Presidents And Award Recipients

Rich in tradition and history, many Seton Hall Prep graduate’s fathers have reigned in the position of President, some even graduates themselves. All of these men possessed an unrivaled passion for and a willingness to serve our school. It is under their watchful eye of these great men that the Fathers Club has flourished and provided our boys with the needed support to make their experience here at Seton Hall Prep second to none.

In addition, many fathers have served in great capacities. The Fathers Club recognizes these men with the presentation of two awards each year, the Thomas Reynolds award and the Art Williams award.

The Thomas Reynolds Award is presented to a father who exemplifies the Christian tradition in every facet of his or her relationships with their fellowman; has consistently shown themselves to be devoted to the welfare of the student body at Seton Hall Prep; and has consistently remained an active member of the Prep community, giving of themselves and their commitment beyond the usual degree of involvement. This award is bestowed in the memory of Thomas Reynolds who was one of the founders of the Fathers Club.

The Art Williams Award is presented to a father for his endless effort and support to the Fathers Club. The award is bestowed in memory of the late early 70s Fathers Club stalwart Art Williams, whose tireless “behind the scenes” efforts over many years has been the hallmark of the Fathers Club.
We thank all of men who served the Fathers Club before us and for for their countless hours of service and endless dedication to Seton Hall Prep and all it stands for.

List of 3 items.

  • Past Presidents

    1965–Joseph McLoone
    1966–William Poole
    1967–John Burke
    1968-69–Les Blaha
    1970–Robert McMenamin
    1971-72–Thomas Reynolds
    1973–Emil Hensler
    1974–Louis Masucci
    1975–Harry Knox
    1976–John Healy
    1977-78–Lawrence Sweeney
    1979–John Lombardo
    1980–Patrick O’Callaghan
    1981–Conlin “Lyn” Brogan

    1982–Edward Ferrari
    1983–John Mailley
    1984–Neil McNulty
    1985–William Yeomans
    1986–Robert Batta
    1987–V. Vincent Velardo
    1988–Michael Shannon
    1989–M. Richard Merklinger
    1990–Vincent Purpura
    1991–Drew Beifus 1
    1992–Bill Malone
    1993–Bob Travisano
    1994–Tom Lyons
    1995–Anthony Pusillo

    1996–Scott Russell
    1997–Dan DeTrolio
    1998–John Strong
    1999–Ray Gizienski
    2000–George Hayes
    2001-02–Steve Hamburger
    2003-04–Ken Mullaney
    2005-06–Joseph Brower
    2007–Vito Bianco
    2008-09–Edward Maffey
    2010-11–Donald Bruno
    2012-13–Thomas Lynch
    2014-15–Thomas Young
    2016-17–Michael Nilan
    2018-2019- Michael Monteleone
    2020-2022 - Joe Cipollone
    2023-2024-Matt Dunn
  • Thomas Reynolds Award Recipients

    1981–Joseph Walsh
    1982–John Lombardo
    1983–Lawrence Sweeney
    1984–Richard Morris
    1985–Gabriel Pierro
    1986–James Condon
    1987–Dr. Joseph P. Kane
    1988–Neil McNulty
    1989–Edward Ferrari
    1990–Rev. Edward Bradley
    1991–Sr. Regina Cordis Conboy, Sc
    1992–Frank Tuohy
    1993–Dr. Joseph O’Connor
    1994–Rev. Martin Foran & Rev. Joseph Wortmann
    1995–Rev. Stephen Kilcarr & Jack O’Rourke
    1996–Leslie Blaha & M. Richard Merklinger
    1997–Dr. Thomas Cuomo & Robert Farrell
    1998–William Casey & Vincent Purpura
    1999–Jean Moretti & Michael Shannon
    2000–Dan Detrolio & Dr. Richard Scaine
    2001–Peter Butler & Drew Beifus
    2002–Michael Gallo & Richard Binkowski
    2003–Patrick O’Callaghan & John Allen
    2004–Theresa Neglia & Jack Dibble
    2005–Emmelyn Mailley, R.N. & George Hayes
    2006–Tom Mccormick & Rev. William Melillo
    2008–Ken Mullaney, Steve Hamburger & Walter McMahon
    2009–Joseph A. Neglia H’01 & Larry Baggitt H’18
    2010–Thomas & Susanne Cregan
    2011–Robert Dooley & Sharon Rondinella
    2012–Ed Maffey & John Slevin ’65
    2013–Vincent D’antonio ’80, Robert B. Heintz & Michael Deehan ’80
    2014–Msgr. Michael E. Kelly ’57 & John McDermott ’48
    2015–Louis R. Puopolo III, Tony Esposito & Michael Sheppard Jr. ’77
    2016–Joseph Brower & Mary Ann Detrolio
    2017–Christopher Barnitt ’88 & John B. Murray ‘59
    2018- Mark Smith & Dennis Gunn
    2019- Reverend Monsignor Robert E. Harahan H'17, Michael Smircich '09 & Brian Tevlin '17
    2021- Marty Berman H'05 & Tom Young
    2022- Barbara Farley & Michael Nilan
    2023- Frank Gately '86 & Tom Lynch H'14
    2024- Joe Alexander '77 & Joe Cipollone H'22
  • Art Williams Award Recipients

    1983–Frank Ferrise
    1984–Paul Alongi
    1985–Jim Condon
    1986–Al and Elaine Dobos
    1987–Sr. Regina Cordis
    1987–Sr. Appolonia
    1988–Neil McNulty
    1989–Vinnie Purpura
    1990–Jack Lasapio
    1991–Gene O'Brien
    1992–Fr. Ed Bradley
    1993–Jim Kennedy
    1994–Rich Morris
    1995–Bob Kraus
    1996–John Lombardo
    1997–Jim Martin
    1998–Joe Klimlowski and Roman Lemega
    1999–Greg Monfet and Jack Dibble
    2000 –Bill Hansen and Joe Walsh
    2001–Ray Gizinski
    2002 –Dan DeTrolio
    2003 –George Hayes
    2004 –Michael DellaPella
    2005–Bob Maul
    2006 –Nofrio Fornaro
    2007 –John Methfessel
    2008 –Mark Infante and Louis Puopolo
    2009 –Tony Esposito
    2010 –Vinnie D’Antonio
    2011–Phil Calinda
    2012 –Bruce DeSonne, Ed Maffey
    2013–Pete Nolan, Tim Coyne
    2015–John Santucci
    2016–Bob Waldron
    2017–Gary Steele 2018–Tom Lynch
    2019- Joe Diamante 
    2021 - Tom Young
    2022 - Bob O'Connell
    2023- Michael Nilan
    2024- Michael Monteleone
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