For many, the Seton Hall Prep Hall of Fame Dinner is the school’s flagship event. Every fall, The Prep recognizes the accomplishments and contributions of its finest athletes, coaches, trainers, parents, and teams. The Hall of Fame Dinner regularly attracts upwards of 300 alumni, family members, and friends and is a memorable evening for everyone involved. To nominate someone for induction into the 2025 Hall of Fame, see links below. NOTE - Inductees must be graduates of The Prep for 10+ years.

2025 Hall of Fame NOMINATION FORMS for INDIVIDUALS (click link)

2025 Hall of Fame NOMINATION FORMS for TEAMS (click link)

Nominations for consideration into the 2025 Hall of Fame are due by Feb. 24, 2025. 

The 2024 Hall of Fame was held on October 23 at The Hanover Manor.  Check out the coverage here:

List of 39 items.

  • 1985

    Salvatore Caprio H'88
    Samuel F. Champi '62
    Harry Coates '06
    Msgr. William Daly '38
    Frederick J. Dwyer '49
    Connie Egan '56
    Vincent A. McIntee H'83
    John T. Merklinger '80
    James E. Reynolds '66
    Thomas Sheridan H'85
    Frank “Finn” Tracey H'85
    Anthony J. Verducci H'87
  • 1986

    Rev. William N. Bradley H'86
    Richard E. Dec'61
    Rev. William J. Duffy H'86
    William Gardner'70
    Rev. Stephen Kilcarr H'93
    Melvin Knight'67
    Charles F. Lorenzo, Sr.,'52
    John R. Morrison'63
    Thomas A. Reynolds'48
    Michael J. Sheppard, Sr.,'54
    David P. Smalley'52
    Joseph A. Spinazzola'79
  • 1987

    Paul G. Caffrey '69
    Hugh Dunnion '56
    Rev. Frank J. Finn H'87
    Ted Fiore '58
    Rev. William M. Giblin H'87
    Msgr. Walter G. Jarvais '22
    Keven R. McDonald '74
    John B. Murray '59
    Nicholas J. Palihnich '57
    Ted Schoenhaus '71
    Tom Sharkey '50
    Msgr. Thomas J. Tuohy H'87
  • 1988

    Frank Baier '55
    Les Blaha '45
    Fred Buechel '63
    Chuck Doehler '52
    Charles F. Douress H'86
    Msgr. Thomas G. Fahy H'88
    O. Larry Keefe
    William Langheld '64
    Neal Nolan '47
    Chet Parlavecchio '78
    Phil Thigpen '47
    Russell “Packy” White '27
  • 1989

    Marty Caffrey '70
    Pete Calcagno H'89
    Hugh Gallagher '52
    Jeff Gausepohl '61
    Dr. Joseph P. Kane H'87
    Dr. Felix “Buddy” Masterson '56
    Pete O'Connor '59
    Joseph O'Connor, MD, '50
    Jim Reardon '51
    Steve Schoenhaus '64
    Frank E. WalshJr., '59
    Tony “Stanley” Woods '83
  • 1990

    Fred Brown '64
    Herb Campbell '68
    Jack Farrell '47
    Brian Hunt '63
    John Lombardo '49
    Frank Meehan '15
    Dick McDonough '60
    Bob McDonough '47
    Charlie O'Connell '59
    Joe Rawley '55
    Pat Sullivan '72
  • 1991

    Frank Besson '58
    Ken Blaha '69
    Dante Caprio '71
    Joe DeGeorge '75
    Dick Farrell '53
    Bill Farquhar '49
    Sam Martucci H'85
    Walter “Bus” Murray '32
    Fred Pierro H'91
    Patrick Sages '77
    Bernie Suttake '54
    Ed Wyrsch '59
  • 1992

    Tom Ard '83
    Vince Campi '72
    Gayton Ciccone '60
    Ron Karnaugh '84
    Edmond Kirby '54
    Ken Kluxen '62
    Matt Lasher '86
    Ferdy Masucci '77
    Jim Meehan '55
    John Parker '59
    Joseph Walsh '66
    John Warchol H'92
  • 1993

    Tom Arminio '73
    Tom Battaglia '68
    Tom Coccia '71
    Ed Coppola H'93
    Paul Deehan '77
    Bernie Degnan '47
    Bob Farrell H'94
    Rod Gardner '73
    Peter Herms
    Luddy Landgraf '53
    Rick Pawlewicz '71
    Larry Sweeney H'93
    Tom Van Grofski '62
  • 1994

    Greg Amsler '86
    Michael Deehan '80
    Mike Farrell '56
    Bill “Doc” Ferinden
    Jeff Goldberg '77
    Bob Hartman '44
    Ted Krawczyk '70
    Richard Morris H'95
    Paul “Spike” Reilly '52
    Paul Sant'Ambrogio '76
    Ted Schiller '73
    Frantz Volcy '86
  • 1995

    Carmen “Skip” Bova '39
    James Carter '71
    James Condon H'95
    John Feeney '38
    Frank Maguire '44
    Mike Mielko '69
    Jim O'Brien '55
    Pete Petrone '84
    Kevin Quinn '75
    Jack Thorne '44
    Dave Tracy '76
    Frank Rinks H'95
  • 1996

    Peter Butler H'92
    Greg Cunningham '74
    Pete Davis '50
    John DeNoia '60
    Frank Finn '57
    Tom Guthrie '44
    Jack Kiley '47
    Roman Matusz '85
    Thomas McManus '67
    John Prisco '64
    Pete Reavey '81
    John Strong '35
  • 1997

    Ed Argast '74
    Al Calcagno '70
    Ric Green '80
    Tim McCloone '65
    Jerry McGee '51
    Bill Persichetty H'82
    Dan Prachar '85
    Steve Reynolds '76
    Steve Riley '78
    Larry Sartori '38
    Jack Reilly '45
    John Sheppard '84
  • 1998

    Peter DeLuca '75
    Rev. Martin Foran H'87
    Michael Gallo '79
    J. David Gill '68
    David Kahney '90
    Brevin Knight '93
    Joseph Lucciola '52
    Phillip Magnotti '55
    Steve Mohyla '75
    John Slevin '65
    Ira Bowman '91
    Michael Cocco '82
  • 1999

    Mani Almeida '71
    Marty Berman
    Ed Bilinski '62
    Larry Burgund '44
    Jack Gentempo '57
    John Hughes '59
    John Looney '37
    Rev. Paul Manning '51
    George “Kelly” Martin '77
    M. Richard Merklinger '65
    Bob Petrucelli '66
    Mike Ragan '78
  • 2000

    Tom Cregan '65
    Tom Campagna H'00
    Chris DeGrezia '86
    Jarrod Johnson '87
    Kevin Kelly '82
    John MacArthur '81
    Kevin O'Callaghan '81
    Vadim Schaldenko '63
    Chris Seebode '80
    Sam “Tip” Spina '82
    Michael Stephans '92
    Art Williams H'00
  • 2001

    John Allen H'97
    Jim Addonizio '71
    Ken Donovan '76
    Tony D'Urso '79
    Pat Smith '83
    Frank Gagliano '82
    Stanley Kossup '51
    Jack Langella '62
    Jack O'Rourke '51
    Pat Powers '63
    Ray Maragni '83
    Frank Mazzochi '67
    1952 Basketball Team
  • 2002

    Pete Burns '78
    Ben Birch'52
    Jack Condon '82
    Paul Natale '71
    Ryan Peterson '97
    John J. Rooney '49
    Vincent Russomagno '78
    Anthony Simonelli '64
    Reggie Smith '85
    John Sweeney '80
    1976 Football Team
  • 2003

    Adam Daniels '97
    Salvatore DeVito '79
    Steve Evanoff
    Semos Gardner '83
    Mark Hopkins '91
    Richard E. Merklinger '90
    Jeff Miller '98
    Robert Oelz '47
    John Probst '95
    Michael Przywozny '94
    1971 Baseball Team
  • 2004

    John Reitmeir
    Ralph F. Powers '44
    Joe Ponzo '51
    Thomas O'Brien '56
    Bill McDonough '65
    Jay Gsell '69
    Ed Aulisi '78
    Joe Aulisi '78
    Glenn D. Smith '83
    Mike Keohane '83
    Marteese Robinson '84
    1961 Cross Country Team
  • 2005

    Larry Baggitt H'18
    William Barrett '73
    Richard Blumette '78
    Frank Fitzgerald '74
    Michael Guidice '83
    Thomas Hensler '76
    Michael Holovak '39
    Mark Kenah '92
    Brandin Knight '99
    Michael J. Sheppard Jr., '77
    John Tirpak '60
    1973-74 Wrestling Team
  • 2006

    Brandon J. Doria '99
    Michael J. Furiness '71
    John F. Gross '77
    Frank P. Gately '86
    Patrick J. Henning '95
    Anthony Karpowich '40
    Christopher J. O'Connell '83
    Edward C. Neu '84
    Michael F. Newman '66
    Steven P. Ricciardi '97
    John H. Sampers '89
    1960-61 Basketball Team
  • 2007

    Larry Yannuzzi '59
    Kevin Torppey '59
    Joe Tutela '75
    Thomas Rathbun '84
    Mark Duffy '86
    Joe Cocuzza '85
    Stephen F. Smith III '86
    Dorian Scott '00
    Joe Martinez '01
    Thomas Cuomo, MD
    Vince Aulisi
    1955 Football Team
  • 2008

    James G. O'Connor '60
    Frank P. Richardi '70
    John J. McMenamin '72
    William L. Griffith '87
    Darren S. Volker '90
    John J. Mitzak '91
    Douglas J. Nevins '91
    Aleem Tyrone Barley '00
    Marcus L. Toney-El '00
    Richard Grady, MD, '44
    Dennis Gunn
    1982-83 Hockey Team
  • 2009

    Jerry Groome '50
    Dennis Tallagnon '50
    Al Mattia '57
    Charles "Bud" McCurran '60
    Sam Fortunato
    Kally McIntosh '89Msgr.
    Edward Bradley, H'91
    Mike Kahney '96
    Andy Perez '98
    John Dibble '99
    Charlie Rowan '02
    1956 Basketball Team
  • 2010

    Malcolm D. Forrester '55
    Thomas "Plug" Feehan '56
    Edward M. Bonder '72
    Stephen B. Bigotto Jr., '78
    Frank J. Ellmo '81
    Jon M. Daidone '83
    John Bryan Backes '90
    Andre D. Callender '03
    Eric Anthony Duncan '03
    Drew Beifus, H'92
    Robert Anthony Palermo
    1949 Football Team.
  • 2011

    John Cosgrove '60
    William Lennon '60
    Michael Purzycki '63
    Ron Heffers '65
    John Sabo '71
    Thomas Verducci '78
    Greg Rogers '90
    John Bravette '95
    James Dooley '97
    Casey Grimm '99
    Traver Davis '02
    1958 - '59 Track Team.
  • 2012

    Thomas G. Cook '86
    William E. Cummins '61
    Mark J. Curry '00
    Zachary P. Hatcher '98
    Charles “Corky” Kray '56
    Philip A. Passalaqua, MD, '54
    Vernon G. Richards Jr., '86
    Todd K. Walthall '88
    Kevin Williams
    Raymond J. Wyrsch '62
    Martin J. Zittel '57
    1959 Baseball Team
  • 2013

    James W. Hanlon '47
    Richard J. Gralewski '56
    Michael W. Burton '84
    Jameel H. Spencer '85
    Antonio D. DeBellonia '88
    Keith E. Gehm '89
    Michael J. Newman Jr., '91
    Anthony F. Brannan '96
    Alexander F. Buzbee '03
    1946 Cross Country Team
  • 2014

    Walter J. Kobin '57
    Robert W. Dowling '59
    Joseph A. Luongo '65
    Joseph J. Seebode, Jr. '75
    Rafael A. Fernandez '88
    The Hon. Arthur J. Batista '90
    Colin P. Smith '95
    Richard Miller '97
    Matthew W. Merklinger '98
    1990-1991 Basketball Team
  • 2015

    Scott Chisolm '03
    Nicholas Christiani '05
    Brandon Costner '05
    Jack Decker '04 
    Frank Diaco '87 
    Clayborne Fields Jr. '87 
    Victor Iannelli '62 
    Dr. Peter Kelly '50 
    Jamar Nutter '03 
    Andrew Pusar '05 
    1958 Football Team
  • 2016

    Donald P. Carter Jr. '87
    Christopher J. Rogers '89
    Derek Fogg '91
    Michael K. Walsh '94
    Michael Cordovano '97
    Christophper M. Andrews '05
    Christophper O'Dougherty '05
    Alex R. Wujciak '06
    Michael J. Ness '06
    1982-83 Wrestling Team
  • 2017

    Robert K. Barsky '82
    Kevin Goeden Bryan II '02
    Kyle Frankowski '02
    Salvatore Fusari '06
    Viken Manoukian '91
    Robert Mautone
    Robert C. Miller '97
    Rick Porcello '07
    Dr. Emanuel J. Scrofani '57
    1938 - 1939 Basketball Team
    1957 -1958 Swim Team
    1977 & 1978 Football Teams
  • 2018

    Carmen Inteso '57
    Guilaum "Gil" Knight '86
    David J. Snyder '89
    Scott A. Eberenz '02
    Daniel W. Merklinger '04
    Angelo DiLeo '05
    C.J. Crooks '08
    Ashton T. Gibbs '08
    1998-99 Basketball Team
  • 2019

    Patrick Blackie '07
    Alfred Carolonza '57
    Anthony Drejaj '02
    Clayton E. Parros '09
    Michael Purzycki '39
    EJ Solimine '01
    Kevin D. Wilson '09
    1981 Football Team
  • 2021

    Christopher Tortora '10
    Jonathan Hartman '09
    Evan Danieli '07
    Eddie Caldwell '99
    David Gagliano '85
    Danny O'Callaghan '83
    David Rothman '79 
    1995 Baseball Team
  • 2022

    Brandon Adler '11
    Sterling Gibbs '11
    Kyle Madley '11
    Nick Ammirati '09
    Frank Drejaj '97
    John Keegan '57 
    Michael McMahon '60
    John Ford '57 
    1969 Football Team
    1985-86 Basketball Team
  • 2023

    Sean Maguire '12
    Connor Wujciak '11
    Lou Mascola '11
    Sean O'Hare '09
    Terry Robinson '04 
    Pete Monteverdi '81 
    Michael Pannullo '77 
    John Finnegan 
    2001 Baseball Team
    2007 Soccer Team
  • 2024

    Spencer Weisz '13 
    Brenden Calas '13 
    Kevin Monangai '11
    Chris Zarkoskie '08
    Brian Trembley '05
    Tim Dugan '01
    Mark McCree '93
    Mark Smith
    1960 Track & Field
    1992 Lacrosse 
    2003 Baseball
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