
Please note, if you are a current student, parent, or faculty member a more comprehensive calendar can be accessed through the mySHP portal.
  • Event Categories

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
  1. 23
  2. 24
  3. 25
  4. 26
  5. 27
  6. 28
  7. 1
  1. 2
  2. 4

    Trimester Testing

    Click for Testing Schedule

    Testing for: History, Arts, Science

    8:50 - 9:15HELP CLASS/EXTRA TIME
    9:15 - 10:20D
    10:25 - 11:25E
    11:25 - 12:15 LUNCH
    12:15 - 1:15F
    1:20 - 2:20G
    2:20 - 2:45 EXTRA TIME

    Alumni Night in West Palm Beach (FL)

    531 Clematis St, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
    Join us at O'Shea's Irish Pub in West Palm Beach, FL ( at 6pm for a free night connecting with fellow SHP alumni!

    Join Headmaster Michael G. Gallo '79, Director of Alumni Relations Matt Nesto '12, Director of Advancement James Boyle P'24, P'27, and Director of Activities Peter Durning '06 for an evening of camaraderie and a celebration of the SHP legacy.

    Register Here
  3. 5

    Trimester Testing

    Click for Testing Schedule

    Testing for: English, CS&T, Math 
    Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule

    9:40 - 10:45A
    10:50 - 11:50GR. 9 & 10 B BLOCK
    GR. 11 & 12 MASS
    11:50 - 12:40LUNCH
    12:40 - 1:40GR. 9 & 10 MASS
    GR. 11 & 12 B BLOCK
    1:45 - 2:45C

    Special Mass Schedule - Ash Wednesday

    Click for Testing and Mass Schedule

    LIVESTREAM LINK (beginning at 10:45 am)

    Testing for: English, CS&T, Math 
    Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule

    9:40 - 10:45A
    10:50 - 11:50GR. 9 & 10 B BLOCK
    GR. 11 & 12 MASS
    11:50 - 12:40LUNCH
    12:40 - 1:40GR. 9 & 10 MASS
    GR. 11 & 12 B BLOCK
    1:45 - 2:45C

    Mothers Auxiliary Ash Wed. Mass/Soup Supper

    Auditorium/Dining Hall
  4. 6

    Trimester Testing

    Click for Testing Schedule

    Testing for: English, CS&T, Math

    8:50 - 9:15HELP CLASS/EXTRA TIME
    9:15 - 10:20D
    10:25 - 11:25E
    11:25 - 12:15 LUNCH
    12:15 - 1:15F
    1:20 - 2:20G
    2:20 - 2:45EXTRA TIME

    Freshman Dress Down Day

    Congrats to the class of '28 for winning the Catholic Schools Week Challenge!

    The reward is a dress down day!

    Alumni Night in Naples (FL)

    8939 Tamiami Trail N, Naples, FL 34108
    Join us at Irish Times Bar & Grill in Naples, FL ( at at 6pm for a free night connecting with fellow SHP alumni!

    Join Headmaster Michael G. Gallo '79, Director of Alumni Relations Matt Nesto '12, Director of Advancement James Boyle P'24, P'27, and Director of Activities Peter Durning '06 for an evening of camaraderie and a celebration of the SHP legacy.

    Register Here
  5. 7

    No Classes - Grading Day (tentative)

    This day will be reserved for testing in the case of a weather-related closing during trimester testing.  If we do not have a closing, it will be a grading day for teachers, and students will not have classes.
  1. 9
  2. 10
  3. 11

    Eucharistic Adoration

    All are welcome to stop by the Chapel and pray.

    NHS Induction Ceremony

    Mr. Hegedus
  4. 13

    Special Schedule - 60-minute Activity Period

    Begin End 
    8:50 AM9:40 AMBlock D
    9:40 AM10:40 AMActivity Period
    10:40 AM11:30 AMBlock E
    11:30 AM12:25 PMLunch
    12:25 PM1:15 PMBlock F
    1:15 PM2:05 PMBlock G
    2:05 PM2:45 PMBlock A

    College Placement Lecture Series - Juniors

    This mandatory meeting is being held in the auditorium during activity period.
    Contact: Mr. Laster
  5. 14

    Knights of Setonia Mass

    Begin End 
    8:50 AM9:30 AMBlock B
    9:30 AM10:30 AMMass
    10:30 AM11:10 AMBlock C
    11:10 AM11:50 AMBlock D
    11:50 AM12:45 PMLunch
    12:45 PM1:25 PMBlock E
    1:25 PM2:05 PMBlock F
    2:05 PM2:45 PMBlock G
  6. 15
  1. 16
  2. 20

    Buzz Off

    Help Pirates Against Cancer raise money towards cancer research
    Buzz off will be held in the auditorium during Activity Period and Lunchtime

    Begin End 
    8:50 AM9:40 AMBlock D
    9:40 AM10:30 AMBlock E
    10:30 AM11:30 AMActivity Period
    11:30 AM12:15 PMLunch
    12:15 PM1:05 PMBlock F
    1:05 PM1:55 PMBlock G
    1:55 PM2:45 PMBlock A
  3. 22
  1. 23
  2. 24
  3. 25
  4. 28
  5. 29
  1. 30
  2. 31
  3. 1
  4. 2
  5. 3
  6. 4
  7. 5
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